Who is Saiful?

Subject: Self Introduction

Dear Prof,

I am writing this blog to you and I hope that you will know me better through reading this. I am a first-year undergraduate Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering (Building Services) student. Previously in 2019, I graduated with a Diploma in Clean Energy at Temasek polytechnic. My interest and passion in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, and Building Information Modelling (BIM) gave me the decision to pursue this degree and it developed as I want to provide the best comfort and performance for building users.

My hobbies are dancing and playing the guitar. I have been doing those activities for some time and it has grown well in me. It helps me relieve stress and feel free during the moment. These hobbies have enhanced my ability to express my thoughts and emotions clearly and confidently through these forms of art. I really enjoy telling a story through music be it from my fingers on the guitar or by the movements of my body. Besides that, I was told often by my peers that I am able to set aside emotions when communicating with them. My points were usually thought out and not biased. Nevertheless, my writing and verbal communication are poor and weak.

What I wish to benefit from this module aligns to my poor communication. I felt that sometimes, I am not engaging enough in terms of my speech in general. In addition, I tend to speak softly and mumble unconsciously among my peers. I believe I could work and change that through the upcoming weeks with you and my fellow course mates. 

Also in terms of writing, I love that the module teaches the application of critical thinking. It would help to organise my thoughts. Also, by applying critical thinking, it aids the evaluation of my content and thoughts before writing or speaking them. Honestly, I am glad that such module was part of the curriculum as it provides me with the opportunity to work on my weaknesses and also, to strengthen my interpersonal skill. If I ever achieve what was ideal from my expectations, I would be delighted and contented.

Thank you for taking your time to read this blog. Let’s all live to be a better version of ourselves from yesterday. Have a great day ahead.



T5 Effective Communication student

Commented on Shafiz, Yu Xuan and Khaider's introduction blog

(Edited on 30th September 10:41pm)


  1. Hi Saiful,

    Thank you for sharing about yourself.

    The structure and content of your letter are good. However, I think you can emphasise more on your communication strength and what differentiates you from others. Also, there are some grammar mistakes in the language.

    It is really nice to know that you love music and dancing as I always believe that art is a way to know and explore ourselves better, so you do not need to worry you are not interesting enough as stated in your letter.

    Overall, the letter is organised and clear with the details.

    Best regards,

    1. Yu Xuan,

      Thank you for your response and feedback, I will add and edit accordingly as you mentioned.


  2. Dear Saiful,

    I love how you touched on your preferred method of expression and pivoted it towards your communication abilities. I felt that it was a nice touch.

    However, I do feel that there were instances where the tone was less formal. Some examples include the indirect salutations and the abbreviations like 'BS' and 'BIM'. Also, I personally feel that the third paragraph could have been split for readability as it was quite compact with information.

    Content-wise, the examples you included were complete and clear with an optimistic tone. The message you are trying to get across was easy to comprehend.

    Best regards,

    P.S. From our interactions thus far, I don't find you 'boring' or 'unappealing' :^)

    1. Haziq,

      Thank you for your words, It means a lot through the short time I have known you. Also for the great feedback, I will amend accordingly.


  3. Hi Saiful,

    I enjoyed reading your self introduction and learn a lot through reading this short introduction. Your introduction letter is very clear, engaging and straight to the point. In my opinion I feel that you should have write the full spelling instead of acronym so that reader could better understand what you're writing.

    Secondly, in my opinion, it is best to paragraph your key pointers so it improve the readability of the letter. The third paragraph could be better by breaking two portion as I feel that it is quite overwhelming for reader to digest.

    I like the energy that you portray in this letter by ending with a positive sentence before ending. Yes, indeed we all should live to be a better version of ourselves from yesterday.



    1. Shafiz,

      Thank you for the comments, I will amend according to your feedback. I am honoured that you read it with depth and took a deep understanding to it.


  4. Dear Saiful,

    This is a richly detailed, insightful letter, while also clear and concise. From the attention given to each topic and concrete descriptions we can see that you are a highly creative and open-minded fellow who intends to be a competent and more sociable communicator.

    It's interesting to learn about your hobbies, too, but I wish you had included a bit more info, answering questions like these:. What sort of music do you play? How long have you been playing? When do you usually play? I could ask the same sort of questions about your interest in dance as well.

    In terms of language use, this is a very fluent effort, with only a few points for you to take note of:

    1. phrasing
    -- I tend to speak softly and I do mumble unconsciously... > I tend to speak softly and mumble unconsciously....
    -- It would help to organise my thoughts and aid my evaluation of content in my work with this method. > (some lack of clarity)
    -- I would be delighted and in content if ever... > ?

    2. verb tense
    -- Honestly, I am glad that such module was part of the curriculum as it opens up the opportunity... > ?

    I look forward to learning more about you this term. Don't hesitate to share. In fact, I'd like to challenge you to make it a point to participate more in the upcoming Zoom lessons.

    Best wishes,


    1. Dear Prof,

      Thank you for pointing out my mistakes on my phrasing and sentence structure. I will add more info, edit and improve on it.
      Also, I will try to make an effort to be proactive in participating although it is indeed challenging.



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